A little bit of rain and wind didn't dampen the spirits for a group of new Canadians at the Canada Day celebrations in Cochrane yesterday. 

Stanislav, who is originally from Croatia said he was thrilled to become a new Canadian on Canada's 157th birthday.

"I didn't expect that actually. We were waiting for some time to receive the invitation and when we found out that it was on Canada Day, it was a nice surprise." 

Stanislav has lived in Canada for the past nine years.

His wife also became a Canadian citizen on Monday. 

citizen Stanislav and his wife became Canadians at a Citizenship Ceremony held in Cochrane on Canada Day. 

Mayor Jeff Genung said it was the perfect scenario to celebrate new Canadians. 

"So perfect. Canada Day, celebrating new citizen's, you can just see on their faces how excited they are to join our country. What a great day."

Although Genung wasn't able to give his speech due to strong winds and rain that cut the ceremony short, he said he had planned to talk about how special the event was.

"Really it was about thanking Cochrane and Area Events Society (CAES) for the perfect day, for Canada Day. And what it means to be Canadian, the things that we take for granted that these people just can't wait to embrace. It's pretty special."

Forty-three citizens from 15 different countries took part in yesterday's ceremony at Mitford Park