Jeromy Farkas, Glenbow Ranch Park Foundation (GRPF) executive director says having the support of local MLA Peter Guthrie is huge for their efforts to eliminate Glenbow East as an option for flood and drought mitigation on the Bow.

"We've really appreciated Peter's engagement with us every step of the way," says Farkas. "He's been involved, he's been an open door."

"There's a process that needs to play out, but this is a good sign for us," Farkas continues, "and I think it's just a testament to the fact he's been listening, engaged with the public and participating through the process."

Guthrie, also Infrastructure minister, has publicly stated he has been opposed to the Glenbow East option since it was first identified as an option.

Both Farkas and GRPF chair Georg Paffrath attended Guthrie's public open house on June 21. Guthrie says he's been meeting with them, and they know his position.

"My position is I do not support a dam in this location east of town. To me logically speaking, it doesn't make any sense, and I think that's why we need to allow the feasibility study to wrap up, because that will show up in the feasibility study."

He says the exploration of several different options was required by the federal government in determining where the reservoir should be built. 

He believes relocating the Ghost dam is the logical choice.

"I think that will prevail but that's with Minister Schulz right now. I've talked to Minister Schulz on this numerous times. I feel comfortable that she's working hard."

He says she's pushing to have the feasibility study completed by September so a decision can be made earlier than originally anticipated.

The sooner, the better says GRPF chair Paffrath.

He says donations have become harder to come by with the future of the park up in the air. That includes financial support to build the essential bridge across the Bow to connect the park's trail system with that of the Town of Cochrane.