Over these past six months especially, I have truly realized the value of having good neighbours.

During this time of isolation, we've had to find creative ways of staying connected with family and friends. Who knew that weekend hangouts on 'Zoom' and celebrating milestones on FaceTime would be a thing? .. But here we are.

While literally spending more time than ever before in our own backyards, I can honestly say that being a part of an amazing community has made all the difference.

During those early days of isolation, it was heartwarming to see messages of hope scribbled on the sidewalks in chalk as I walked through my neighbourhood. Rainbows and shamrocks painted on windows made for fun family scavenger hunts and helped us all feel connected.

I'm truly grateful to live in a community where people watch out for each other and rally together when times are tough.

In case you needed an extra excuse to celebrate those friendly faces you greet on your street each day - It's National Neighbour Day!

Raising my coffee cup today to the people that surprise us with a shovelled walkway and water our plants when we're away. Those once strangers that become our friends and 'family.'

What makes your neighbours and neighbourhood so awesome? Click here or head to our Facebook page to let us know.