Although Cochrane Light Up was a different kind of event this year, the community spirit was still very much alive and strong!

The annual event has been bringing Cochranites together since 1984 and it has been a seasonal staple to help kick start the holiday season.

After previously cancelling this year's event, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, organizers found an innovative way to pull off a virtual event and still have participation from Cochrane residents.

Cochrane Light Up Organizer, Stephenie Shelstad says that Light Up has always been about bringing the community together. She says that while Cochrane residents weren't physically together this year the sense of togetherness was even stronger for Light Up 2020.

"The thing I liked the nicest about it is that it got it back to the communities and everybody got to have their own little mini light-ups," says Shelstad. "That really made me proud, 'cause that's what Light Up was always about was coming together as a community and getting to know your neighbours. With Light Up getting as big as it has, that wasn't happening anymore, but now, it's so nice to see that even during these difficult times, people are still coming up with ways to be able to do it."

Neighbourhoods throughout the Town of Cochrane participated in the 'Light Up Wave' and for the finale, organizers surprised Cochranites with a downtown light show.

Shelstad said this has always been her dream for Light Up and she was thrilled to see her vision come to life.

"I'm feeling amazing!" says Shelstad. "This has been a dream of mine ever since I started Light Up was getting downtown lit up. The fact that it actually came to life was very exciting."

If you missed Saturday night's downtown light show, you'll still have plenty of time to take it in. Shelstad says that Cochranites can continue to enjoy an extended light show on 1st Avenue for the remainder of the holiday season.

"It is going to go ahead all Christmas Season," says Shelstad. "From 5 pm until 10 pm every night and it will run every half an hour. So, 5, 5:30 and on like that and it's a 10-minute show."

Thanks to organizers, sponsors and widespread community support and participation, Cochrane's Light Up 2020 - virtual edition was a huge hit!