Cochrane is hosting 22 teams in a one-day sturling bonspiel tomorrow that continues to attract teams from across the region.

The annual Joey Hyde-Wilson Memorial Sturling Bonspiel promotes this inclusive version of curling that's proving popular with both stick and slide curlers.

It was the late Joey Hyde-Wilson who brought the bonspiel to Cochrane about 14 years ago and has since been renamed in her honour. 

Sturling involves teams of two of either stick or slide curlers. At each end, one team member delivers six rocks. It amounts to 18 rocks per game, about the same as regular curling, and takes about an hour to play a game.

You can't sweep between the hog lines, making accuracy the key to success. Each team member must stay on their end of the rink for the duration of the game. So, one person is delivering the rocks while the other calls the shot (skips) and is left alone to sweep after the rock passes the hog line.

"I would say it's primarily played by seniors, but young people can play as well," explains Myrna Fink. "It's a good way for other regular curlers to practice because they're throwing six rocks every other end and they're also practicing they're skipping ability."

Among slide curlers participating last year was Morgan Muise, who has skipped a women's team to a national club championship.

This year's bonspiel features four teams of wheelchair curlers. Three of them are heading to the Canadian National Wheelchair Championship in March, and all four are competing at the Stick Curling Nationals in April.

Play gets underway at 9 a.m. and is expected to wrap up mid-afternoon. 

Funk says people are invited to come watch in the upper lounge and participate in the silent auction that helps support the bonspiel.
