Sick of the cold yet? Dreaming of beaches? You are not alone.

December always brings warm feelings of the season, and really cold weather.  Its turns dreams of sugarplums into white sandy beaches and the warm sun.

Randene St Amour, The Travel Agent Next Door, says the travel business took a hit at the beginning of the year with the weaker economy, but the cold weather has been very good for business.  Bookings in December have increased significant, and this time of year, most of the travel is to all inclusive warm weather vacation.

"People are getting fed up with the cold and they are going book travel to somewhere warm, no matter what."

St. Amour says she finds that people are still traveling but being more budget conscious. Travellers are still being selective on destinations, but are cutting out on more of the luxury aspect. She is not seeing the resorts lowering the prices as much as offering more bang for the buck for Canadian visitors.