The Cochrane community once again proved that many helping hands can make a real difference.

One of the better food drives to date; snowy, damp, cold weather certainly had little to no effect on the bi-annual event which took place this past Saturday (September 17).

Sandra Scott, Programs Manager for Helping Hands shares over 1200 crates of food and $2300 in monetary donations were collected for our local food bank and those numbers are expected to still rise. Some rural area collection sites still need to be picked up this week and if you forgot or were accidentally missed you can still drop off items at select locations. "We have drop-off centres at Save On, Safeway, and No Frills; they'll definitely have their bins out still like they do all year long and we'll make sure they'll become part of the donations."

Despite being a little worried the cold weather would deter volunteers, Scott was happy to report that 700 individuals still came to collect, drive and sort for the one-day event.

A special request for extra packages of toilet paper and diapers was also met and Scott was impressed with some of the reports she heard. "There were some good stories of people going to doorsteps and there was not just a bag, but four or five bags. There was one that had a huge box that took three young men to carry, so people weren't just donating a bag but almost a cart full of food. I also had quite a few people telling me for the first time ever their truck was full to the limit, so we had quite a few happy volunteers out there who felt like they were really making a difference."

When volunteers gave thanks to one lady for her generous donation, her reply sums up the event. "She said no need for thanks, I am lucky."

The only challenge noted was the amount of expired food that was collected and Scott is hopeful people will remember to double check expiry dates for the spring drive as items past due are not used.

Giving praise to all community members who helped with the event and donated, Scott, says it is truly what makes Cochrane such a great place to call home. "It's wonderful to see everyone come out and have a big smile on their face, even if they have been working hard. It is such a great way to be part of our community."

Scott will focus on other Helping Hands initiatives for the next month or so before diving back in and preparing for the April 2019 spring food drive.