Newcomers to Cochrane will have a chance to learn more about their home this Wednesday, Oct. 5.

The Cochrane Immigrant Services Committee will host it's second Newcomers to Cochrane Night, families and individuals new to Alberta are invited to meet new friends and find out about Cochrane services.

Rocky View Immigrant Services spokesperson Nadine Malinovska says it doesn't matter whether you've moved from a place in Canada, or a foreign country, everyone is welcome.

"The event is geared towards any newcomer to Cochrane," she says. "All of the new residents are welcome to come, we'll have different community partners and resources, it's just a great way for people to get connected, get information, learn about what's happening in the community, and mingle with other residents."

The first Newcomers to Cochrane Night was held in February, and was a huge success with over 50 people attending.

Malinovska says all you have to bring is your presence, no registration is required.

For more information on the event click here.