Book Club lovers, the Cochrane Public Library has your back.

They've introduced 17 new book club kits, thanks to generous support of Inter Pipeline. That's especially good news for the rising number of Millennials and Gen Z forming book clubs.

Assistant director Jessie Pepin says the library has had book club kits available since the early 2020s and these new titles about doubles the number available.

"We've increased the number of books in the kits, too," she says. "We started with eight and now we have 10 copies in the new kits. It's just so popular."

"A lot of people have started digital book clubs, so you'll find that it's not just meeting in person anymore, there's a lot of virtual book clubs or dual mode ones."

Each kit includes discussion questions to enhance the reading experience and facilitate engaging conversations 

The new titles were carefully selected for the enjoyment of a wide range of interests and ages. 

Seven of the newly acquired kits are specifically tailored for school-aged children, offering engaging titles to keep young readers enthralled during the summer months. With a variety of genres and themes, these kits aim to spark a love of reading and support continued learning outside the classroom.

For more information about the book club kits and other programs offered by the Cochrane Public Library, click here.