Over the weekend, the fourth annual Coldest Night of The Year saw hundreds of Cochranites walking for the hurt, hungry and homeless down at the SLS Centre.

“Saturday was as good as it gets,” says Helping Hands executive director Laura McDonald. “We had 250 walkers, which is such a great bit of growth from last year. That's up from 212 people last year.”

The walk had a fundraising goal of $60,000, which was surpassed even before the walk began.

The grand total came to $68,826.

“It feels amazing. It really feels like Cochrane is supporting what Helping Hands does, and we can continue to carry this event year over year and our community is wrapping their arms around us and they want us to keep going.”


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Every dollar raised stays in the community, and McDonald says Helping Hands has big plans for 2024.

“That $68,000 is a huge piece of our framework, so we can keep offering barrier-free programs."

“Also we are moving right away because we just need more room for all of our wonderful volunteers, so raising this money really helps us prepare for our move next month.”