Next week, the Town of Cochrane will be cleaning up our streets, literally.

Residential street cleaning will begin on Monday, April 29. 

"Street sweeping reduces damage to vehicles, helps make active transportation, such as walking, scootering, and cycling safer, and diverts unwanted materials from flowing into storm drains." stated the Town of Cochrane.  

Street sweeping operations will take place from Monday to Friday, with each subdivision allocated a specific day for sweeping, separate from the community waste and recycling collection schedule. Weather permitting, all roadways are anticipated to be swept by May 17.

Since April 9, a pre-sweep has been underway and crews have been removing winter sanding material from the roads in advance of the main residential sweep.

“With the pre-sweep nearing completion, we need your help. When you see the signs in your community, please move your vehicle to off-street parking before 8 a.m.,” said Wally Hume, Roads Manager, Town of Cochrane.  “Street cleaning is an important service to clear debris and dust from roads, bike lanes and major pathways, making them cleaner and safer. We appreciate residents’ cooperation to use driveways, alleys and parking lots and keep the street clear from curb to curb.” 

Signs will be placed at all neighbourhood entrances 48-hours prior to cleaning to give people notice and details for their area. 

Residents are also being asked to move curb ramps, hockey and basketball nets. 

You can view the full schedule and find out when your street will be cleared here.