Sport4Life Cochrane is hosting its annual Try It Day at the SLS Centre this Sunday (June 9).

This is a free showcase and celebration of local sports and physical activities for kids aged 6-17. The event offers children of all abilities the chance to explore new sports, with free registration for up to three-time slots.

Karen Dommett, board chair with Sport4Life says if your kid has their heart set on a certain activity, it’s best to pre-register. “Folks can register online ahead of time, we will have some sessions that will be open the day of.  But to guarantee the sport you want to try, you want to go online ahead of time.”

Kids can look forward to a wide variety of activities, from scuba diving and dancing to wheelchair sports and team games. Dommett highlights the value of the event for parents as well. "It's a fantastic opportunity for parents to meet organizers, ask questions, and get a feel for the sports before committing to long-term registrations or purchasing equipment."

Recognizing the challenges older youth face, especially as they often shift their interests or become more engaged with screens, Try It Day offers a great opportunity to provide teens with fresh opportunities. "This is such a crucial age group, and we want to show them that it's never too late to start a new sport," she says. "It's a chance to discover new passions and stay active."

BGC Cochrane is providing rides to and from the event and several organizations will have booths at the SLS Centre to offer more information.

For more information on the available activities and to register your children, click here.