With such stiff competition in the Div. 2 men's rugby league, somebody was destined to hand the Calgary Canucks their first loss of the season.

We witnessed it right here in Mitford Park on June 22 when the Bow Valley Grizzlies outlasted the Canucks 47-36 in a hotly contested match.

The win leaves the Grizz with a 4-1 record and notched them up to third place in the 11-team league.

Head coach Tyler Hawes says it was an impressive performance by the squad with a short bench of 19 matching up against 25 players from the Canucks.

Seth WalkerGrizz Seth Walker.

"It was a pretty tight match-up," says Hawes. "The boys were pretty pumped up and came with the attitude to get on with it and try to stick to what they do best. They worked hard, give that extra effort and it paid off in the end. I'm super proud of how the boys played."

The Tier 3 Babas, formed by the Grizz and Foothills Lions, defeated the Hornets, 36-17, at the Wylie Athletic Park in Okotoks. It's a rebound from a 44-24 loss to the Calgary Irish and leaves them with a 3-2 record on the season. They're fourth in a six-team league.

"It was a great win in Okotoks," says Hawes. "A lot of young guys are getting game time and it's improving their rugby."

Both teams now have a two-week break before play resumes in mid-July. The Grizz host the Saints on July 13 at Mitford Park and the Babas play the Canucks at the Calgary Rugby Union on July 12.