Did you know that there are over 438 bird species in Alberta?

At this Saturday's (Mar. 2) session of the Living Sustainably Series II, you'll get a basic introduction to birding, learn all about the many species of birds you can see in Cochrane and where you can spot them.

You'll also learn how to track your sightings using apps such as eBird or iNaturalist.

Guest speaker is birder extraordinaire Kirsten Pearson, who will be sharing her knowledge and passion for this popular pastime.

For the past several years, she has coordinated the Cochrane Bird Count that is held annually in late December.

The two-hour session runs from 10 a.m. to noon in the Frank Wills Memorial Hall, 405 – 1st St. E.

It's free to attend but advance registration is requested. Here's the link.

This is the third in the current series of informative sessions spearheaded by the Cochrane Environmental Action Committee