For over 30 years, the Rotary Club of Cochrane has been completing important projects here and around the globe.

But other than hearing their name or seeing their logo, how much do you really know about this international service organization, and how can you become involved?

Tonight, you can learn more at Rotary in Action. Members of the club will be presenting information and answering questions at the Cochrane Public Library starting at 5:30 p.m.

"Rotary's motto is "Service Above Self" and that's the whole basis for everything that we do," says Rotarian Sue Carpenter. "We look at where there is a need in the community, whether that's locally internationally, or nationally and we try and develop a project that's going to be of benefit."

Their projects come in all sizes. Big ones include developing the trail from Calgary to Canmore with a number of partners. Internationally, they work to assist people in mining villages of Belize.

They have played a large role in founding the House of Oneness Wazin Ichinabi Ti that is committed to creating a space for Indigenous teachings in Cochrane.

tourneyIn its first 16 years, the Monumental Tournament of Aces has raised over $1.25 million.

From the first 16 years of the Monumental Tournament of Aces, they have raised almost $1.25 million for local community needs.

Likewise, well over $1 million has been returned to the community by the Bow RiversEdge Campground Society, which they jointly own with the Cochrane Lions Club.

A recently completed signature project was playing a lead role in reestablishing a new playground at Camp Jubilee, of the Girl Guides of Canada (Embers). The original playground was destroyed in the flood of 2013.

There's more, much more, and you can get plenty of insight tonight.

donationCheque presentations to support local initiatives like this have been common over the years. (file photo)

"Each speaker will have roughly 10 to 15 minutes to talk about what they're doing, and it will give people an opportunity to talk to Rotarians to find out exactly what it means to be a Rotarian, and if you're interested in joining, what you can do," says Carpenter.

The club currently has 45 men and women dedicated to their motto, and welcome more to join. Carpenter says some people aren't aware that women can be Rotarians. They have 19 women in their club and their incoming president is Monica Walker. There are also several couples.

For more on the Rotary Club of Cochrane, click here.

Rotary in Action