With renovations nearing completion and operational funding in place, programs will soon begin at the Wayfinders Wellness Retreat.

Last week, the interior was painted of the 100-year-old ranch house that is their base of operation. Soon the flooring will be installed.

Kurtis Sanheim, of Veteran Painting, was a chaplain in the military and compared the painting of the retreat to its purpose.

"One person painting, one person rolling, one person brushing, somebody's tapping, and it's the same concept of what Wayfinders is trying to do, which is everybody's going to have a portion of the whole that helps the healing."

"I just love to see people get better together, little by little, all working with different tools."

Wayfinders co-founder Paul Wagman says they've been fortunate to have many provide generous donations, resources, and volunteer labour.

"We're very proud to be able to accomplish that and get things all lined up. We should be operational within a month," says Wagman.

Wagman says details will soon be released on a significant provincial government operating grant.

"We've built a very good business plan and developed our nonprofit in the last two years to a place where we can move things forward."

Now the focus is on recruiting more volunteers to serve on the board and in other capacities. He believes it would be ideal for those semi-tired or retired. He says a skilled treasurer is in place and believes that information may make it easier for some to step forward.

Wagman says the groundwork has largely been laid by first responders and military personnel who have suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and mental health issues.

"We're at this point now where the people who are doing the work are those individuals who are experiencing that trauma, so we need to replace them with healthier people who have time."

Those wanting more information or are interested in stepping forward can contact Wayfinders through their website or social media.

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