Looking for ways to use more renewable energy?

The Town of Cochrane approved the use of solar panels last spring as part of the Renewable Energy Framework to continue down the sustainability path. With the new heavy taxes on carbon and rising costs of energy, this may be an option for some Cochranites.

Nicole Tomes, Planner, Town of Cochrane says because of the changes to land use bylaws, residents are allowed to put solar panels on their roofs. There is no need for a permit for the panels themselves, but you will need an electrical permit and a structural check.

"These panels will offset the cost of your utilities over time. They are getting more efficient all the time, and depending on the quality of solar panels you use."

Tomes says the provincial government is going to be rolling out energy rebates and educational information about saving energy and money. Until then, she suggests doing the little things like switching to more energy efficient appliances, light bulbs and being more aware of energy use. She also suggests having a home energy audit, to get an energy star rating for your home. 

For more information about renewable technologies available in Cochrane, click here.