Registration remains open for the giant community tree planting event that's now in its 26th year.

Rain or shine, Branches and Banks is being held over two days, with the community event taking place on Saturday, May 25 in the riparian area west of the Bow River north of the Jack Tennant Memorial Bridge.

Organized by Cochrane Environmental Action Committee (CEAS) in partnership with the Town of Cochrane, it is open to all ages and is an ideal event for families and neighbours to join together.

You can register here

Volunteer check-In starts at 9:00 a.m. Look for the white canopy near the pathway along the river. Parking available at the SLS Centre parking lot.

Some instruction will be provided before the planting begins. Representatives of Cows and Fish will be onsite to provide outreach on the tree selection and the Bow River ecosystem.

CEAS president Tim Giese says to be sure to dress for the weather, wear appropriate footwear, and bring gloves, spades and maybe even a pickaxe for planting. Don’t forget to bring your water bottle.

When interested began to wane, the annual was on the chopping block in 2022. That year, Giese was contacted out of the blue by Garmin, and interest of schools and the community began to rebound.

READ: Interest rebounding in Branches and Banks

"People are becoming more and more concerned about the environment," says Giese. "We've got to keep doing more and more things for it, and coming together to plant trees is one of the best things we can do."

A joint school/corporate volunteer event is being held the day before in the same location. Giese says about 100 students will be participating alongside volunteers from Garmin and the town. 

READ MORE: Trans Canada Trail helps nurture Cochrane's urban forest

Giese has ordered 2,000 trees for the two days and another 300 white spruce saplings are being provided for the Friday event by West Fraser, who will also have an experienced tree planter will be on hand to show the students how their specialized tools are used for reforestation.