Support for The Coldest Night Of The Year (CNOY) fundraiser walk continues to grow leading up to the event this Saturday.

“It's been super successful so far,” says Helping Hands executive director Laura McDonald. “We've had a lot of new sponsors come on board and we've really seen the community come out in much larger numbers than we've ever seen before.”

“We've got dozens more walkers than we had at this point last year and about 15 more teams than we had at this point last year.”

CNOY is also featuring a new walking path and starting point for 2024. The event is jumping to the SLS Centre to accommodate the growing list of participants. 

McDonald says that they have also expanded their fundraising goal for this year to $60,000 and donations continue to fly in.

“We're actually over 50K as of right now. We're at 85 per cent of our goal. So all signs are pointing to us reaching 60K by Saturday.”

There is still time to register for the event HERE.

The Coldest Night of the Year event will go on this Saturday (Feb 24) from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.