The Cochrane Farmers' market is seeing sweet success with its monthly Thursday evening markets.

Hundreds of people flock to Historic Main Street to shop, catch up with old friends, or just take in the entertainment being offered.

Market organizer, Valerie McCracken, is pleased at how well attended the markets are becoming and by the mix of community members. "We had a really good diverse group of customers showing up. With the Classic Car Show going on at OK Tire, all the market vendors, and the businesses more engaged there was a lot for people to do. So we were really pleased."

This may have been the best attended street market to date, shares McCracken. "I think every time they seem to get a little bit better as long as weather cooperates. The density on the streets was nice and full with lots of people moving around and the feedback seemed pretty positive from all the accounts I gathered so far."

The vibe of the Thursday street markets is completely different than Saturday markets held at the Historic Ranche Park, which is one of the reasons why McCracken is sticking to offering the evening markets once a month. "In terms of vendor success the Saturday market without a doubt is the best place to be, the Thursday markets are still good and give them exposure but in terms of people coming to shop at a market the Saturday market is still that best opportunity so we have to balance making sure we are providing the best opportunity for our vendors."

Last week's market included knights from the Cochrane Public Library, a number of musical performers, Wish I May Parties mascots, Cochrane Classics Car Club, and performances by Snap Dance Studios.

The final two markets will be held on August 17 and September 12,