The mixture of rain, sun, and even a little hail made for the creation of some fine art at the Glenbow Park Provincial Park over the weekend. 

Despite the weather, the 3rd annual At in the Park attracted more artists than ever. It's the first of five festivals in the Come Paint Alberta circuit.

"I think overall the participants were really happy with the way it went," says Lara Kruger, executive director of the Route 22 Artists Collective Art Gallery. "The weather was a bit wild, but that made for some good painting in the end."

Twenty-two artists from across the region participate, up from 18 last year. Some others may have been discouraged from heading to the park because of the weather.

"We're building and are working with other organizations involved in the festival throughout the whole season. We've hired a marketing person for the whole Alberta circuit, and I think that is making a big difference in raising the profile for future years."

Darren UmbsaarCalgary artist Darren Umbsaar was among the painters interpreting scenes in the park.

While he's hiked and photographed the Glenbow Ranch park, this was the first time Calgary artist Darren Umbsaar painted there. He previously participated in a Come Paint Alberta event in Drumheller.

"I think being out in the field helps train your eye to see the colours. It trains you to be able to compose scenes better, and it's good practice to get out to see nature as it is and try to work off of that."

Wendy Lockie, also from Calgary, is a passionate outdoors painter. She was returning after enjoying the experience last year.

wendy lockieCalgary artist Wendy Lockie.

This year, there was a strong Indigenous component, thanks to representatives of the House of Oneness (Wazin Îchinabi Ti), the Otipemisiwak Métis, and Stoney Nakoda Nation.

A blessing offered by Elders and Knowledge Holders, JR and Pauline Twoyoungmen from the Stoney Nakoda Nation and afterward stories were told and Métis crafts, such as finger weaving were taught in the park's learning centre.

art 10Matt Hinterland shows Marie Schoenthel the finer points of finger weaving.