A Cochrane family is well on their way to raising a million dollars for breast cancer research, while having some fun along the way. 

Kathie Geleta said 17-years-ago she was given news that changed her life. 

"In 2005 I was diagnosed with breast cancer and was not given a great prognosis, however here I am."

Gelata and her daughters took part in the 60 km Weekend to End Women's Cancers walk for six years. 

The family has since held dozens of fundraising events, raising over $850,000 but now Gelata said they're hoping to reach the $1 Million dollar mark. 

"We're getting really close, it's sort of the goal now. We've done 40 events in total, and those have included the Breast Brunch Ever, Boozin' for Boobies, Pairing Wine with TaTa's and the TaTaPalooza." 

"You have to have a sense of humour going through this disease. One of the things that we've always tried to sort of impart is that we're trying to provide hope for those people that are newly diagnosed. Take a look at me, they told me I wouldn't see the end of 2005 and here I am. So never give up, always stay positive."

The family has a steak and lobster fundraising event coming up on June 1 at the Cochrane Lions Event Centre.

"We have an East Coast band and we'll be kissing the cod and maybe doing some Screech and creating some honourary Newfoundlanders. It's going to be a lot of fun."

You can purchase your tickets for TaTaPalooza HERE. 

tata poster