Everyday is a good day to spread kindness and take a stand against bullying, but Pink Shirt Day is a day dedicated to bring this important topic to the forefront.

According to statistics from the Canadian Red Cross, between four and 12 per cent of kids in grades 6 through 10 report having been bullied once a week or more. And a study here in Alberta showed that one in four students from grades seven to nine reported they have experienced cyberbullying.

Pink Shirt Day, or Anti-Bullying Day is an annual event that was first started in Canada but is now an initiative celebrated in other parts of the world.

There's a wave of pink across our town today as Cochranites promote kindness. 

Since this movement began, 15 years ago, it has sparked conversations and has hopefully helped people begin their journey towards healing. 

We want to see your pink shirt or your kids' pink shirts today. 

Send us your photos, or share them on our Facebook page.

~ Lauren