We are down to the final push in the quest for winning this year's $250,000 Kraft Hockeyville prize for the Cochrane Arena

Currently we are sitting in fourth position, with a chance of walking away with the cash prize and bringing an NHL pre-season game to town. 

Brooke Sabourin, SLS Centre program manager says we are a strong contender and we have a good shot at winning. 

"Twenty per cent of the tally is where you land up in points from nomination stories, to pictures, to rally posts to all those things and then the other 80 per cent is based on your nomination stories. So the more nomination stories we have, they're going to find the best one in there and they're going to rate it and that's what's going to win us in the long run."

But Sabourin says we need more people to step up over the next week or so and nominate the Cochrane Arena if we want to ensure the prize is ours. 

"We're seeing a variety of written stories and video stories. Cochrane in particular is leading with video stories. So most of the other arenas are all written. So you're answering three simple questions, and you can write but we feel like a video story is really going to capture that spirit."

Residents are being encouraged to submit their stories. photos and videos about why the Cochrane Arena is important to them and the community. 

The arena is celebrating it's 50th anniversary and the prize money would go towards fixing up the stands, dressing rooms and bathrooms.

There are posters up at SLS Centre and the Cochrane Arena for people to come and use as backdrops to help promote in their own photos and video submissions. 

The deadline to submit your entry is 9:59 a.m. on Feb. 18.

Click here to get started.