Today, motorists will be adjusting to the extension of the 30 kilometre per hour (kph) zone along River Heights Drive.

It now runs from the 7-Eleven at the corner of River Heights Lane and River Heights Dr. to the James Walker Trail in the rapidly growing residential area.

Not everyone agrees with the speed reduction. One resident believes the 50 km/h zone was neither unsafe nor excessive.

"The whole street stretch has already improved pedestrian crossing in place with flashing lights. With the new speed limit, the traffic flow will increase idling and stop/go, increasing noise and emission. Bad move." 

Peter Lantos, who is among River Height residents vocal about the need for the speed reduction, says some residents aren't convinced it's the right move, says the majority are pleased with this and other measures to improve safety along the major corridor. 

He's been monitoring comments on social media.

"Most of them are happy," says Lantos. "There are one or two who are disgruntled, and I just told them, the difference between going 50 or 30 from the 7-Eleven to the high school is going to be 15 seconds."

"It's not going to do much for the volume until the James Walker Trail extension is completed, but it will hopefully cut down the speed somewhat."

The town is also adding traffic lights at the intersection of River Heights Dr. and Rivercrest Dr. and a new solar-powered crosswalk at the Riveria roundabout.