Exhibits, presentations and food trucks are all part of the ROAMS Fest at Cochrane High School on Tues. June 4.

Instructor Jander Talen says the evening is a showcase of the travels and explorations of the program's students and their Capstone explorers and engage projects. Last year, about 250 people attended.

Among the students exhibiting and discussing their projects are Frances Wood and Hannah Deitz.

Last Saturday, Frances held a two-hour swap shop at the Cochrane Alliance Church. Her aim is to encourage people to reduce the number of items going to landfills that could instead be reused.

Hannah Deitz is launching a children's book at the ROAMS Fest about the outdoor spaces in the Cochrane area. It was illustrated by Indiana Carlyle-Biford.

"We noticed that a lot of people don't know a lot about the Cochrane spaces, so we want to encourage them to get outside and explore."

It has an initial press run of 50 copies. Orders will be accepted at the fest.

ROAMS--Rivers, Oceans and Mountains School--is a popular one-semester outdoor education academy for grade 10 students at Cochrane High. While developing essential skills for life, they receive credit for ELA10, Social Studies 10, Environmental and Outdoor Education, PE10, CALM, and Photography.  The application process has already been completed for the 2024-25 school year.

roams fest poster