November is Pedestrian Safety month and Cochrane RCMP want to remind drivers to obey traffic safety rules and be aware of those on foot.

RCMP, Constable Jennifer Brewer, says if a motorist fails to stop for a pedestrian at a crosswalk they could face a maximum fine of $776.00 but the payment could be much worse.

“If you see a pedestrian wanting to cross make sure you're stopping for them and giving them the right of way. You don't want to be on the hook for one of those tickets but at the same time you also don't want to deal with the guilt of hitting a pedestrian”

Pedestrians also need to be responsible for their safety at crosswalks.

Cst. Brewer says don't dart out on the road; make sure you get the driver's eye contact and they have stopped before proceeding into the intersection.

“A lot of times we have pedestrians think 'Oh, it's a cross walk'. I have the right of way and just go without waiting. A vehicle can't stop on a dime so using responsibility and paying attention to make sure the vehicle sees you and have stopped before you go, is very important.”

Other road safety tips to obey:


  • Always walk on the sidewalk; if there are no sidewalks walk on the side of the road facing traffic.
  • Cross safely at corners and crosswalks preferably at intersections with lights.
  • When crossing the street hold your arm straight out at right angles to your body pointing across the road as a legal sign to motorists.
  • When walking in the dark wear bright clothing or reflective stips.
  • Avoid using cell phones while walking.



  • Stay alert and slow down on residential streets and through school zones. The speed limit for school and playground zones is 30 km/hr unless otherwise posted.
  • Avoid playing loud music and other distractions while driving.
  • Be cautious in parking lots and around parked cars as they may hide pedestrians especially children who may dash out on the street.
  • Cyclists need to be aware that they can also face the same fine as a motorist if they don't stop for a pedestrian at a crosswalk.