The Buck supermoon is available this week for your viewing pleasure and we just have to hope for clear skies.

Cochranites will have a couple of nights to take it in as it will stick around until the morning of Friday, July 15, 2022. 

According to the forecast, Thursday may be the best night for viewing as clear skies are predicted.

The Old Farmer's Almanac says July's full Buck Moon orbits closer to Earth than any other full Moon this year. 

That makes the Buck Moon the biggest, brightest supermoon in 2022!

The name Buck Moon derives from the fact that the antlers of male deer (aka bucks) are in full growth mode this time of year. 

Other names for the July full moon include Feather Moulting Moon, Berry Moon, Moon When the Chokecherries are Ripe, Month of the Ripe Corn Moon, and Raspberry Moon.