Who will wear the championship belt from the upcoming charity poker tournament?

Bragging rights is a huge part of the charity Texas Hold 'Em tournament being organized by the Rocky Mountain Rotary on May 4.

They'll also be over $5,000 in prizes in the pot after the last hand is played in the evening tournament.

The big winners will be the causes it supports, including BGC Cochrane, which is raising funds to purchase a new bus to help transport daycare youth.

"Safety of the children is paramount, and having a safe vehicle to and from is what we're looking for," says Jill Bilodeau, executive director of BGC Cochrane. "So, we're very grateful and we're excited about this event."

There's only room for 200 at the tables. Tickets cost $150 and will be available starting Thursday, Apr. 4 on Ticketmaster. Or you can contact Nicola Wright at Cochrane Toyota by phoning 403-932-9900.

Dan Kroffat, who is helping orchestrate the event, says more details are coming, including an impressive list of celebrity appearances. 

Kroffat claimed many belts in his professional wrestling career and was caught off guard when a championship belt was selected as the trophy.

"I looked at it and said, you've got to be kidding."

"The belt was symbolic that you were at the top of your game, so hopefully this belt represents whoever plays and wins this is at the top of their game."

Having a chance to win the belt will add excitement to the evening, says Baum. It also removes the gambling aspect of poker and strips it down to what it is at heart--a competition.

"You're going to get excited because you get to put that belt on. You get to be crowned the champion. Like Dan is wrestling, you got to put the belt on, you got to be excited. Yes, we're going to have some great prizes, but of all those 200 people there, you're the one that gets to wear that belt all year long."

And if Baum happens to win it, he jokes he'll be pushing to make it an annual fundraiser.

To learn more about this and other activities of the Rocky Mountain Rotary Club click here.