The Oilers Flag is up at The Station on Railway St.

Four town councillors were joined by a few diehard Oilers fan to show their colours and cheer as the flag was raised high. Some of the motorists passing by honked their horns in support.

The night before, the Jack Tennant Memorial Bridge was lit in orange and blue.

Right down to her shoes, Sheila Balkwill was decked out in Oilers colours. At one time, she and her husband Ken resided in Edmonton, and have been Oiler fans since 1979. They were there for the glory days of the 80s when they won five Stanley Cups, the last one against the Boston Bruins in the 1989-90 season.

She says many were disheartened when the Oilers were down 3-0 in the series, but she never gave up hope.

"True fans never lose hope. They never lose their faith, and we are true believers. They're going to finish it tonight and bring it home to Canada," she says.

"It's big for Canada," her husband Ken added. "Hopefully it will bring Canada together a bit. We'll see. I'm sure the Oilers will do it tonight."

When Mandy Smith and her family immigrated to Canada from England, 34 years ago. hockey was all new to them. They've been Oilers fans from day one.

Town Councillor Alex Reed is a hardcore Flames fan, but he's fired up about what a win tonight will mean for the county.

"I've never experienced anything like this before in my life. Having had the opportunity to be in Edmonton for the last game, I can tell you that the province is crazy at that end of the province about what's going on," said Reed, "so I'm excited to be part of this today."

Councillor Morgan Nagel, who led the charge to get the flag raised, came wearing his Calgary Flames jersey, his team of passion, but waved a homemade placard reading "Go Oilers! Canada is with you."

"This is a Walt Disney movie moment," says Nagel. "This is historic, this is as epic as it gets, and I hope the Oiler get the cup tonight. I think the whole country is excited."

He thanks those who came to raise the flag on such short notice and said our national pride is on the line tonight.

Councillor Tara McFadden doesn't have an Oilers jersey but quickly was lent a McDavid when she spread the word.

Ken Balkwill got the honour of being cheered on as he raised the flag.