Cochrane is sending the provincial government a formal letter of opposition to the Glenbow East option for flood/drought mitigation on the Bow River.

The letter will outline concerns and impacts upon the community that could reach the millions in times of high water.

It's asking the province to fund a comprehensive technical impact study to evaluate the risks to Cochrane before any final decision is reached on the Glenbow East option.

Council had informally indicated support in drafting the letter and opposing the Glenbow East option during its committee-of-the-whole meeting on June 17 after receiving a high-level preliminary review on the potential impact on the community by Urban Systems.

mapA map prepared by Urban Systems indicating the potential impact of the Glenbow East options upon existing development in Cochrane. It would also severely impair planned future development.

READ: Glenbow East option could cost Cochrane millions

Councillor Alex Reed reiterated his position that moving Calgary's problem upstream to Cochrane is not the answer to flood/drought mitigation on the Bow River. 

"The outcomes of this would in essence cost our community literally millions of dollars in terms of infrastructure and likewise," said Reed. "And I also believe that the Glenbow Ranch, which I think is a provincial treasure sitting in our backyard, would be lost."

He wants town representatives to take that same message to Premier Danielle Smith and Rebecca Schulz, Environment and Protected Areas minister.